An Open Letter Regarding Miss Manners’ Guide To A Surprisingly Dignified Wedding

Dear Norton & Company, Judith Martin’s Press Representative, and Whomever Else This May Concern:

It has come to my attention that you are sending popular wedding bloggers advanced copies of Miss Manners’ Guide To A Surprisingly Dignified Wedding for review, but have not contacted me about where to send my copy. There seems to be some mistake. Surely you know that my entire philosophy of sane weddings is based on the fact that I started pulling Miss Manner’s books off the shelf and sneakily reading them when I was just 10? (All I will say on this matter is that I notice my father put Miss Manners books on very low, child-reachable shelves.) I’m sure you are aware that I extensively studied Miss Manners chapter on Marriage (For Beginners) before I even considered getting engaged (as all smart, interesting woman should do).

But, one must remain open to the possibility that you are not aware, so I present you with this:

I’m very much looking forward to my advance copy of Miss Manners’ Guide To A Surprisingly Dignified Wedding, and I’m sure all my readers will be excited to buy one of the few sane wedding books (soon to be) in print in Hardcover. These women are level headed, getting married, and know their way around a bookstore. In short, they and their mothers are your target audience.

I’ll look for your email.

Meg, Editor
A Practical Wedding

UPDATE: Crisis averted. Book on it’s way. Publishing date is January 11th. Mark your calendars ladies, because someone is about to be on your side (and explain it to your Mamma like you never could).

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