The Evolution of a Logo…

We know it’s a short post-holiday week. And short post-holiday weeks call for entertainment and pretty presents as bribes for you having to work. And we here at APW are here for you. So, not only did we give you a new sidebar (present for you) and new submission forms (present for us), we’re also rolling out a newly designed Ask Team Practical Logo (present for everyone!!!!)

But. We thought you might be amused to see how a logo is designed around these parts. Here is how it goes down.

  • I’m super exacting (Oh my god. I had no idea I’d be like this with my business though David saw it coming a mile away), but have zero skills, and am very cheerful.
  • Liz is super accommodating, has many skills, and is also cheerful.
  • We have fun working together (Liz claims to have fun, at least!).

As an extra present, let’s start with the design I presented Liz for inspiration. I drew it myself.

I know, right? WHY DIDN’T WE JUST STOP THERE, you are asking yourself!? And frankly, it’s hard to say. Here is my (actual email) exchange with Alyssa on the subject:

Me: I started work on your logo, and I thought you’d be excited to see it. YOU’RE WELCOME.
Alyssa: I’m WEEPING, tears of joy. It’s just…there are no words.
Me: I might have actually laughed so hard I cried over this logo. David: “Did you spit on yourself?” Me: “I almost threw up.”
Alyssa: It’s like, “Ask T….fuck it. I’m a mutherf*ckin’ logo, you know what you’re reading, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?”

And yet, for some reason, we pressed on. Liz designed this sucker, which we liked, but it seemed too formal for ATP.

So then she designed this (CLEARLY INSPIRED BY MY WORK, LIZ), which seemed a tiny bit too informal for Fridays. And Alyssa didn’t like the color, because she pointed out it was the same as my comment color, and it was HER effing column. Point Alyssa, point.

So we tried somewhere between formal and polished, but this time blue. Which was close…but…too blue, and not quite it….

And then, Liz let loose with this logo, which Alyssa and I want to make out with. Alyssa says, “I LOVE IT!! The hearts make my heart happy. Even though it’s not the original logo. THAT would have been better.”

So on this Friday, and every Friday, when you’re greeted with the cheery Ask Team Practical Logo… you’ll know.

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