Ten Reasons I Love APW: Katie

Alyssa, again! This adorable little email came from Katie, a reader and baby bride. She and her fiance Tim are still in the planning stages and she sent Meg an email one day to show her gratitude for APW. Meg forwarded it on to me and said, “Look how sweet!” And of course, I saw it and said, “WE NEED TO USE THIS.” So I badgered Meg and Katie and here we are!

I love it because it’s short, to the point and sincere; the point of view of a casual commenter who is just grateful for a community where she can breathe a little. And also because she included a picture of her and Tim and LOOK AT THE CUTE!

Ten Reasons I Love “A Practical Wedding”

10. Because of the small comments made about most of the stuff on TheKn*t.com and how it makes me feel like my wedding doesn’t have to be that way. And that it can be any way I want, as long as we love it. :)

9. Because of the practical advice from hundreds of different people all over the world.

8. Because of the way you love people. Regardless of my (or anyone’s) view of sexuality, people are still people.

7. Because of the banner at the top and how cute it is!

6. Because of the real life stories from real life people that I can apply to my real life. APW reminds me my marriage will be easy at times and extremely hard at others… and even though the divorce rate is 50% we still have a fighting chance.

5. Because some of the stories make me feel a little more normal, while the other make me feel extremely blessed for what I have.

4. Because the women on your site are educated and you are educated.

3. Because of the tears I cry from some posts and the way I have to quiet my laughs in class at other posts. (Yes I read APW in class.)

2. Because APW reminds me of the importance of my dad, my mother, my soon-to-be in-laws, my close friends, and the importance of confidence.

1. Because I’m getting married this to a wonderful man that’s quite a bit older than me, and this is one of the first sites that can openly say “Be in love, be wise, but don’t conform to society.” In a world that is constantly questioning me about my choices, it’s nice to know that there are more people than our families that support love and wisdom over finance, economy, and social norms. APW is a comfort and is a small reminder that I am doing the right thing when every other site is telling me I’m not because I don’t have $40k in the bank or because we haven’t lived together for five years or because I’m not 35.

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