APW is a moderated web community. We encourage debate and disagreement, and but will moderate to keep things civil.
Our sponsored and partner posts are paid content from a business we’ve consciously chosen to work with. Out of respect to the business that paid for a particular post, we reserve the right to remove comments that we don’t feel are in their best interest. These sponsors and partners are how we are able to stay online. If you want to ask us about our choice to work with someone, please send us an email.
We are not going to dedicate space on the site to discussing the comment policy or editorial choices, but if you feel you’ve been unfairly moderated, or simply have a question about comment moderation, you are welcome to email the team. Any follow-up comments to this effect will be removed promptly.
Comment Moderation:
We will remove comments that violate the comment policy.
We have a community comment moderation policy. Any reader can red flag a comment, putting it up for review.