Hey APW,
In the last 72 hours in the US, all eyes have been on Minneapolis. The death of George Floyd has incited protests across the country and Minneapolis is literally on fire. Enough is enough. Now is not the time to stay silent, especially if you have the platform to speak on.
These aren’t easy conversations to be had, but we have to have them. Our community needs us right now, more than ever. George Floyd’s name needs to be heard. Breonna Taylor‘s name needs to be heard. Ahmaud Arbery‘s name needs to be heard. So what can you do in solidarity? Text “Floyd” to 55156 to sign Color of Change’s petition to block the pensions of the officers involved in the case and to ban them from becoming police officers ever again #justiceforfloyd. Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a grassroots org that donates funds to provide support to those on the ground and bail out arrested protesters. Reach out to your black friends and family members right now and see how they’re doing, what you can do to support them and ask how you can become a better ally. We all need each other right now, more than ever.
With Love,