* Rory, Photographer/Colorist in Training & James, Storyboard Artist and Illustrator * Photographer: Rory & James’ friend and witness, Vanessa * Soundtrack for reading: “Married Life” by Michael Giacchino *
One sentence sum up of the wedding vibe: Two real life cartoon characters run away together.
Other cool stuff we should know about: We kicked it old school and called our parents from the courthouse immediately afterwards being all, “Surprise, we’re married!,” but we dropped hints pretty heavily that week. We had announcement postcards printed up and ready to drop in the mail the day of too, so we wouldn’t have to have someone awkwardly find out a week later via Facebook. I sent my mother flowers at work that day. We’d also been engaged for a year and half and the response was mostly, “What took you so long?” I made an elopement spreadsheet checklist based on Nina B’s grad post from years earlier.
Favorite thing about the wedding: Rory: Every time I wear my sandy stunt shoes I think about that day on the beach. James: All of it… and eating cake in bed.