by Maddie Eisenhart, Managing Editor
Let me start by saying, I love my family. I have a huge, wonderful, complicated family full of interesting people who make my life richer (you may remember them from my family rainbow I drew for APW a few years back). But sometimes? Well, last week I went home to Maine for a much-needed visit, and I found myself in no less than a dozen scenes straight from Arrested Development (I would explain the similarities to you, but then I’d have to kill you). Did I mention I love my family? Because I really do. (Sidebar: Am I the only one who hasn’t watched new season of Arrested Development? No spoilers, please.)
I know I’m far from alone here. Families come up a lot in conversation behind the scenes at A Practical Wedding. We field a lot of your questions about family situations and weddings, and the staff’s unedited sense of humor about the subject is… why I love my job. Our email chains suggesting answers to your questions often turn in to witty rejoinders about our own brushes with frustrating personalities, odd quirks that aren’t exactly charming, and the art of the backhanded compliment. And there is nothing like making another APW staffer laugh so hard they choke over one of your family stories to make you realize, oh yeah, families are NUTS. They’re wonderful and loving and generous and crazy. It’s not just your family; it’s everyone’s family. Sometimes we just need a little therapy to work things through. Or as I like to call it, the APW staff.
And since this time of year is often one when family stuff comes to boil (with both wedding season and summer holiday season in full swing), we decided that what everyone probably needs right now is a space to just vent, to let it all out, anonymously, on the internet, where not even your mother can find you. Well, maybe, especially not your mother. So here’s how it goes: if you want to leave an anonymous comment, make sure both your name and your email address are anonymous (this goes double for Gravatar users, because the photo links to your email address). Also, if you put a fake email address please DO NOT CHECK the box to notify you of replies via email. It won’t, and our emails will be full of bounced back comments. No fun. See below for an example:
Normal commenting rules and kindness still apply, of course. We just won’t tell your Aunt Rose about this. And if your family is a little less crazy (bless you, you lucky dog), then support, hugs, and virtual fist bumps are welcome as ever.
Promotional photo of Arrested Development courtesy of MSN TV