Jenna, Community Television Producer & Derek, Teacher
One sentence sum-up of the Wedding Vibe: Our favourite type of Saturday night, with fancy clothes.
Soundtrack for reading: “Home Sweet Home” by Strumbellas
Other Cool Stuff We Should Know About
We originally planned for our ceremony to be outside in our favourite park where we used to walk our dog. But in the morning it started to rain and eventually torrential pour, so we had to come up with a backup plan, fast! We had rented a loft/gym to stay in for the week leading up to the wedding and we decided to clear it out and use it for the ceremony. While I was getting my hair and makeup done, Derek put candles everywhere, cleared away all of the gym equipment and put plants all around. We couldn’t have been happier with the way it turned out!
Favorite Thing About The Wedding
The ceremony—we wrote it ourselves and it was so special to be able to include everyone in such an intimate moment, including hearing each other’s vows for the first time. Our SECOND favourite thing was walking into the bar and seeing all of our friends and family, we didn’t stop laughing and hugging people for the rest of the night. Our friends, as an homage to a wild night at this bar years earlier, organized a giant game of headbands with our guests before we arrived. It was hilarious and got folks from different backgrounds talking and laughing together. Highly recommended for your next formal event. ;)