In case you were on the fence about how to address your wedding invitations, and wondering if it would be more tasteful to address them all as Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blow, because it’s faaaannnncccccyyyy, I give you this comment:
Well, I just received my umpteenth wedding invitation addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blow” when my name is “Dr. Jane Sassy-Blow”. Geesh! I’ve been married to this guy for almost 24 years now and no one in his family has still bothered to learn my name! Whoever said* the woman with the Dr. title should get to use it was right on! Or at the very least, let me use my legal – hyphenated – last name!
Right. Address people as they wish to be addressed, or failing that, by their names. Glad that’s cleared up.
*That was me. I said that.