Hey APW,
And just like that, the holidays are upon us.
I think I’ve typed some version of that sentence on APW for the last 13 years, but this year it’s different. It’s both taken us forever to get here (this year is like a decade), and at the same time, it feels like it’s happened in a flash. But the thing I keep clinging to is the fact that in March, the idea of still being in quarantine at Thanksgiving was beyond belief. But somehow it’s Thanksgiving, and we’re still standing. It’s been undeniably horrible, and the months ahead of us look incredibly dark. But we survived something that seemed unsurvivable, and that is worth noting.
In my personal life, we’ve plumbed the depths and sparkled with joy, all at once. My oldest has been dealing with a medical crisis, and we’ve been in an out of the hospital. At the same time my youngest decided she needed to launch an IGTV show last night and it is a damn delight.
That said, I have literally nothing planned for Thanksgiving (which also happens to be my oldest 8th birthday), and next to nothing planned for the rest of the holidays, so I need to switch my focus and get cracking. (The photo above is from a far more joyful Thanksgiving last year with family. But the hall of mirrors feeling is very 2020 somehow.)
Which leads me to saying: our team will be off next week for a MUCH needed break. We’re so proud to have not just survived as a company, but to have launched a new business this year. But we’re working hard to prevent burnout on our team during this impossibly difficult time. So we’ll see you back here Monday November 30th. We’ll be publishing on a lighter schedule in December as we continue to re-organize ourselves for this new world of weddings we find ourselves in, and work to figure out how to serve you all best.
With that, it’s your open thread. Feel free to talk about whatever holiday drama, stress, or joys you have going on.