I have so much still to tell you guys…
About drinking white wine while a girlfriend and we practiced my (in the end) DIT hair and makeup.
About marriage counseling and how everyone should do it.
About how I now have a genuine silver sixpence tucked into my wedding shoes which makes them feel brand new, even though they are not.
But some of these stories are going to have to wait till after the wedding. I’m running a fever (literally) from trying to do too much, and we have a million small tasks to be done between now and the wedding. Oh, yes. And I want to be able to keep my sanity and enjoy all this.
So, I’ll be checking in here now and then (because I can’t help myself anyway), but I have to take the pressure off myself to post regularly over the next two weeks. I have faith that you guys will watch my back while I do this. (And yessss… I’ll have posts scheduled for you while I’m off on my honeymoon. HONEYMOON! Just the word gets me excited!)