Melanie, Floral Designer/Owner of Hawthorn Flower Studio & Owen, Political Organizer
One sentence sum-up of the wedding vibe: We wanted to have a relaxed, warm, effortless day that was simple and beautiful.
Soundtrack for reading: “Fade Into You” by Mazzy Star
Other Cool Stuff We Should Know About
We are big fans of the political hip-hop group Bandung 55, and got them to perform and get the party going!
If I could offer advice to people who are planning: Know what’s important to you. We wanted to be relaxed and enjoy the presence of our friends and family. Guests take their cue from the couple—since we were relaxed, it set the tone for the day. We planned early, focused only on the important things and left the rest up to our vendors. We were rewarded the week before our day with an empty calendar! We watched movies with our wedding party, got massages, zoned out. On the day of our wedding, we enjoyed each other and everything we planned. It was absolutely perfect.
Favorite Thing About the Wedding
The ceremony was the best part of our wedding. It was incredibly powerful. We planned it together and spent hours thinking of ways to materialize our values of joy, warmth, community, and social conscience. We chose to arrange seating in a circle so we were able to see everyone during the ceremony. Our parents passed our wedding rings around so each guest could hold them and offer a blessing. We requested that our friends and family to verbally support our marriage through community vows. We truly felt surrounded by love. If I had to choose a single, favorite memory, it would be when my husband cried during our vows. It was the most sincere expressions of love that I’ve experienced to this day.