A Magical, Six Course Dinner Wedding, for Only $6K

Did we mention it was during an ice storm?

Jillian, Nutrition Educator for at-risk moms & Scott, Pediatric Software Support

One sentence sum-up of the wedding vibe: A magical ice storm wedding full of holiday warmth, wonderful music, and the world’s longest dinner.

Soundtrack for reading: “Tonight, Tonight” by Smashing Pumpkins

Other Cool Stuff We Should Know About

1. Scott and Jillian’s father built the moon backdrop, and included a tiny Death Star on the starry night canvas behind it.

2. Music was so important. The first band was the Jillian’s high school French teacher, the second was a group of friends (including the Bridesman!) who got together to celebrate the couple. In between acts we performed “I Wanna Grow Old With You” from The Wedding Singer. Later Jillian surprised Scott by joining the band to sing Talking Head’s “Naive Melody.” After the bands finished, we all rocked out the night with a playlist by Jillian’s super hip dad.

3. The wedding happened in the middle of a huge ice storm three days before Christmas, but everyone still made it!

4. We had an amazing six-course meal, with local beer, cider and booze—but only spent $6,000 total on the wedding.

5. After many practice runs and multiple (literally) exploding cakes, we made our own wedding cake.

6. The guest book was a Christmas tree with ornaments—every year we can revisit all the well wishes of our loved ones as we decorate the tree.

Favorite Thing About The Wedding

We only spent money on what really mattered to us, and only invited our nearest and dearest, even all the vendors and musicians were friends—all this closeness captured the magic of the holidays in one perfect day.


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