Three months out from the wedding, and these are the images that are flickering over and over again on the inspiration board of my mind:
Because yessssssss.
There is a point early on in the wedding process where sorting through physical objects is really important, because it helps us sort through symbols, traditions, and identities. People dismiss objects as meaningless, but they are not. Objects are powerful totems, especially in wedding ceremonies (if you don’t believe me ask Tom Robbins.) It’s important to figure out things like: I want a colored wedding dress – that is what feels right to me, or I want a white wedding dress – that tradition has meaning for me. We figure out that we love handmade letterpress because of its connotations of old world craftsmanship, or that we love printable designs because of the forward thinking way they bring beauty to everyone. Sorting through all of these symbols is really important, because it can help us claim the wedding that we want.
But as we get closer to the wedding, I care about this stuff less and less. Our table numbers are fantastic (and made all of crafty scraps), but on my wedding day I can’t imagine I’ll give a sh*t. What I really care about now is how I experience the day, and I hope it’s one joyful, present P-A-R-T-Y.
Pictures are, funny enough, by a collection of some of my all time favorite photographers: Our Labor of Love via Once Wed, Our Labor of Love via here, Jude Mooney via here; Michele Wayman via here, Jenny Jimenez via Brooklyn Bride
PS this post is dedicated (rather fittingly) to a very newly engaged friend. Friend, you know who you are. Grins!