Welcome to month two of Planning By The Stars, our new monthly wedding-, relationship-, and planning-focused horoscope series from supernatural social worker Leah Tioxon (formerly our camp witch). Given that we’re a site focused on folx planning large events and in relationships, Leah’s advice focuses on those themes, as she helps you ride the cosmic currents rather than swim upstream. Let’s get into it.
The theme for October is True Depth. As the personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) move through Libra, sign of partnership and balance, and into Scorpio, sign of depth and power, we are invited to explore what feels out of balance and speak our truth, even when that brings an uncomfortable awareness or results in a change of plans.
A fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 13th encourages you to acknowledge what you feel and what you need. A dark and magical New Moon in Scorpio on the 27th is the perfect time to get in tune with your intuition and see what might be possible when you follow the quiet whispers from deep within instead of the mental chatter of the conscious mind.
Here’s your sign-by-sign guide to working with the cosmic energy this month:
March 21–April 19
Work calls, but you might feel pulled by other demands. Is there too much on your plate? It’s time to delegate, and make your needs more clearly known, or you might find yourself snapping at those who love you. Schedule some downtime for yourself—true downtime, no chores or care-taking or planning allowed! Just chill. Part of being a good partner is taking good care of you. Ask your partner to help you prioritize self care. As the month comes to a close, make space for a hidden resentment or stuffed down feeling to surface, with compassion and tenderness. You do a LOT. This is a month to honor what you feel and what you need in order to do just a little less…without exploding first.
April 20–May 20
The to-do list is long but you’ll have some extra energy this month for infusing your daily routine with more meaning and exploring ways to make the most of each day. Talk with your partner about how best to tackle the chores no one wants to do. Focus on the tasks at hand and practice being more present and connected, rather than thinking too far ahead or worrying about things beyond your control. Remember, you can ask for help rather than trying to do it all on your own. As the month winds down, seek solitude to give yourself the necessary space to rest and recharge.
May 21–June 20
It’s a month for some spice and passion and FUN. Plan a creative date night or model some smart and sexy Halloween costumes for each other. Talk with your partner about what lights you up, and how to make time for spontaneity, fun, and friends in the months (and years) ahead. Nourish your own creative spark and honor what nourishes theirs. The end of the month is a great time for reorganizing closets, schedules, and the infamous junk drawer. You might find something that was missing, or make space for something new you’re really wanting!
June 21–July 22
What kind of home do you want to create? What traditions matter most? This is a month to think through and discuss the foundation you want to build with your partner, and what each of you will contribute to your shared home base. If you find yourself butting heads, try to talk through your differences and see where each other is coming from. Challenges with other family members can be opportunities to advocate for your wants and needs, and receive support from your partner as you work together to navigate new terrain. If you and your partner were superheroes, who would you be? Create code names for each other and ways to signal for help when needed.
July 23–August 22
Be open to changing things up and making new plans, as you include more people in your decision making—but don’t lose sight of what you want. Take a new route home and discover more of what your community has to offer. It’s a good time to engage with your local environment. Scope out the best Halloween haunts and get ready for some spooky fun, or start some new autumn traditions. Let loose and surprise yourself by trying something unexpected. It’s a great way to learn more about who you are!
August 23–September 22
Take inventory of your budget this month, and talk with your partner about spending and saving goals. It’s a good time to re-evaluate your resources and be more conscious of your finances. As you move into the second half of the month, make time for deeper connection and some vulnerable heart-to-hearts. Explore new ways of communicating what you need and want. Don’t be afraid to ask for more than you think is “fair”—if it’s what you truly want, see what’s possible! You don’t know until you ask.
It’s your time to shine! Show up bolder and brighter this month, and celebrate all that you are. Let people know your preferred love language, and acknowledge their attempts to speak your language. It’s ok to put yourself first sometimes—those who care about you want you to be happy, but if you don’t communicate what you actually want, it’s hard to make your wishes come true. The second half of the month brings a focus on partnership: make time for your significant other(s) and make that time count. If you’ve been feeling pulled or distracted, use this time to reconnect via some screen-free time. Hold hands, make eye contact, offer each other a meaningful compliment. It’s easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle. Remember that dedicated moments of connection really nourish a relationship.

Pay attention to your dreams this month—they might be trying to tell you something or help you work through deeper worries or fears. If something has been keeping you tossing and turning at night, it’s time to do something about it. Talk over your concerns with your partner and/or a trusted confidant. Unexpected solutions or a shift in perspective can lift the burden you’ve been carrying. Knowing you’re not alone and feeling cared for when you’re anxious or stressed helps immensely. Open the door to more support this month!

You might be feeling pulled between your social network and your creative endeavors this month. Apply some of that creative energy to any issues or imbalances amongst your friends or in-laws. Engage your inner diplomat as you navigate conflict or tension, honoring your own boundaries and giving others permission to state theirs. This is a month to exercise your leadership and advocacy skills, and feel more confident speaking up for your own needs even when it’s not easily received.

The boss is IN—and it’s you! This is a month to call the shots and make firm decisions. Trust your analysis and don’t overthink things or ask for too many outside opinions, instead boss up and choose what seems best to you. The second half of the month shifts your focus to the homefront, and you might be feeling an extra push to get some projects done around the house. Make sure you’re taking time to rest and play, and ask your partner to hold you accountable to this necessary downtime if you’re finding it difficult to turn off work mode.

It’s a month to examine your beliefs and to identify any areas those beliefs can limit your ability to relate to someone else’s perspective. Human relations of all kinds are a bit sticky this month, so proceed with sensitivity and curiosity. You might not feel as heard or understood as you’d like, but perhaps in asking questions rather than explaining, you’ll find some common ground that shifts the tension and opens up a more equitable exchange of ideas and information. End the month with a killer costume party or some neighborly trick-or-treating to sweeten the mood and let loose.

Let people help you this month! Ask for more than you normally would. Choose the restaurant. Pick the movie. Make your desires known. Remember that someone saying no is not a personal rejection. It’s a month to explore needs and boundaries, and to get more comfortable asking for things even when the answer is no. As we creep towards All Hallow’s Eve, consider trying on a costume or character that invites a totally new expression. Playing dress-up can be cathartic and eye-opening. Have fun with it!