Katie, Transcriptionist & Kenn, Journalist
One sentence sum-up of the wedding vibe: A completely relaxed, loving, supportive day surrounded by amazing people with a mild Dr. Strangelove theme thrown in for good measure.
Soundtrack for reading: “This Will Be Our Year” by The Zombies
Other Cool Stuff We Should Know About
Cate Blanchett was at our wedding. Well, Tiny Cate was. My brother and I started hiding a small picture of Cate Blanchett’s face in odd places around the house when he was home for the summer, and it became a fierce competition to see who could find the best hiding place. My brother ended the summer on a high note with the best one. I couldn’t let it go and decided to put Tiny Cate in a handkerchief with my husband’s ring and put it in my brother’s pocket, so when it was time for the ring exchange, my brother would find it… but wouldn’t really be able to react to it the way he wanted to. I have to say, I won the Tiny Cate Challenge. Also, the entire day was fantastic from beginning to end and this was mostly due to Emily and Ian and their mad photography and Pop-Up Wedding skills. No pressure for us, and the details that went into the day were outstanding. We want to get divorced so we can do it all over again.
Favorite thing about the wedding
There was an Airstream trailer and a vintage school bus. Seriously. It doesn’t get any cooler than that.