Tracy, Executive Assistant & Ryan, Project Manager
One sentence sum-up of the wedding vibe: To fill two hearts with love is to only have the bare necessities in the same room.
Soundtrack for reading: “Diamond In The Back” by Curtis Mayfield
Other Cool Stuff We Should Know About
With our efforts to create a nice future for ourselves, we chose San Francisco City Hall because it is extremely beautiful for the price you pay. Beats Vegas! In truth, we had both agreed upon establishing a financial future for ourselves in which we’d own a home in San Francisco within the next few years. Definitely a big task at hand. A large wedding ceremony would have set us back from this ultimate goal. Our shared vision helped to create a firm budget for the wedding celebration.
We were lucky in discovering Regalito Rosticeria, a gem in cuisine and location. Regalito was a perfect fit for our personality and style. (Plus, there are two statues in the back of the restaurant… a Virgin Mary and Buddha. When we saw them, we thought, that’s us!) We sought out a restaurant that served homestyle Mexican cuisine, and we paid close attention to the seating arrangement to give our guests a chance to mix and mingle comfortably.
Thanksgiving gatherings and the sense of feeling at home is what inspired us throughout the planning process. We just wanted to make sure that the wedding celebration made everyone feel at home and special to be present. Tracy and I have been to numerous large weddings where we did not get any time with the bride or groom.
Favorite Thing About the Wedding
Honestly, each time we’ve been asked what our favorite part of our wedding day was, we always recall an instance where we shared a kiss.