Every Valentine’s Day, I struggle to find the least schmoopy card I can find for Michael, amid the rows of flowery prose at my local card shop. I’m the most sentimental person I know, but Valentine’s Day sentiments are usually too much for even me (though one year I found a card that says “I love you more than bacon,” which are approximately my exact feelings towards Michael). So we asked Kimi of Printable Press if she’d be willing to help with us with a fun Valentine’s Day alternative, and she came back to us with these amazing temporary tattoos, which you can modify with your loved one’s name. That somehow seems about perfect. (And you can print them at home on temporary tattoo paper you order off Amazon.) Boom. Done. Next week’s problems, solved.
- Tattoo paper
- Free PDF from Kimi’s shop
1. Download the Valentine’s Day Tattoos PDF onto your desktop and open in Acrobat Reader (downloadable for free).
2. Click in the pre-filled fields to customize with your partner’s name.
3. IMPORTANT NOTE: you must reverse your image to print it on the tattoo paper. This can be done in photo editing software such as Photoshop, or often it can be done right in your printer’s settings. In the settings dialogue box go to print options and choose print in mirror or reverse mode. Most modern printers even have settings for transfer paper!
4. Follow the instructions on your temporary tattoo paper and print.
5. Cut out your tattoos, getting as close as you are comfortable with, and follow the instructions for your particular tattoo paper. Generally you just place it face down on your body, cover with a wet towel for 10–15 seconds, and then carefully remove backing.
6. Per Kimi’s instructions: Hide the tattoo and when you next see your lover casually say, “Oh, I decided to treat myself for Valentine’s Day and finally get that tattoo I’ve always wanted.”