Some of you will remember Teri & Lisa and their fabulous fabulous two dress, white gothic corset, Minnesota Shriner’s Mansion wedding. Well, Teri emailed me recently with a little catch-up email about their one year anniversary, and ohdearjesus ladies. This is an amazing story. I love that its is some sort of magical junction between weddings and marriage. And don’t get me started about how each of them got a celebration in their own particular asthetic. You’ll be hearing more from Teri and Lisa soon (married life! yay!) but until then I bring you a full circle. To one year ladies! To you!
A few weeks ago, on our 1 year anniversary, we Minnesotans decided to troupe down to Iowa and get ourselves a Iowa marriage licence (Iowa….still can’t get over that…of all places…).Turns out changing two peoples surnames without a legal wedding in MN is hella expensive, and we decided in the past year to have a shared last name. So! Off to Iowa we went!
We brought two friends- one to officiate (yay Universal Life Church) and his wife to bear witness. We brought a bottle of port, and they brought us a small chocolate cake to share, and a handmade quilt. We had the ceremony outside out Victorian B&B; at midnight, and Lisa finally got all the gothic aesthetic she wanted. It was simple, it was meaningful, it was intimate, it was representative of us, and it was just so very affirming.
Sometime in the next year or two our own home state is expected to vote on gay marriage…and its expected to pass. For some reason the idea of the Iowa marriage licence “kicking in” amuses me. I always picture myself cutting my toenails, and then a “ping” videogame type noise comes from nowhere, and blocky text above my head proclaims that I have reached “married- level 3!” whenever Minnesota passes the law.
PS. Being married just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?