It’s here! It’s here! This brand-new site has been in the works (mentally) for more than a year and a half. It’s been in the works (physically) for nine months. For those of you doing the math at home that means, yes, I decided to rebuild my business from the ground up before my kid’s first birthday. And yes, that is crazy, and I am tired, and I now need to plan his birthday party STAT.
But, I’m so, so excited about what we dreamed up. Maddie and I worked really closely with Tim and Erin, the team at Cooper House, to build you a brand-new website. In the past, when I’ve relaunched the site, I’ve always gone to great lengths to make sure everyone knew that the content was “Same as it ever was!” This time around, I feel less pressure to say that, because not only is the content the same as it ever was, now you can actually FIND it. In the last days of working on the new site, I kept stumbling on posts from years ago, thinking, “Oh my god, I’d forgotten this post, and I didn’t even realize how much I’d missed it.” So before I let you wander off to find your own favorite posts you didn’t even know you’d been missing, a few pointers:
- Real Weddings: We listened to all your feedback and created a drill-down search function, so you can find all those brides who wore glasses AND non-white wedding dresses.
- APW <3’s: Beyond just the glitter gold heart, this part of the site holds some of my very favorite bits. I started APW to talk about things like At-Home Weddings, City Hall Weddings, Elopements, and LGBTQ Weddings. Putting together these pages let me dig into some of the content I, do, in fact love the most. Hopefully it helps inspire goodness in your lives.
- Marriage & More: While we still have a dedicated Reclaiming Wife section, we expanded the section, so we could better facilitate the wealth of conversations we were already having. And yes, we snuck a life category in there, finally giving us a gold-plated excuse to sneak in conversations not even vaguely related to weddings and marriage now and then.
- Custom Sorting: I love this little tool. All over the site, you can now decide if you want to view things by thumbnail (my favorite when I’m browsing), in a more full content way (if I’m not sure what I’m looking for), or in a list form (if I know exactly what I’m looking for). And then there are the archives (which are not even done yet, more features to come). But right now, my favorite view is the pretty calendar view. Mmmm.
- Beta: There is a lot of new here today, but we’re not done yet. This is just Beta. We’ll be rolling out new features over the next few weeks (soon the site will be responsive, for better reading on your cell phones and tablets), and working out bugs.
And now your whole APW staff is going to lie very quietly on the floor, and let you explore the site while we snooze (shhhhh).
A Quick Love Note….
But before I go nap along with everyone else, a personal note. Today is David’s and my nine-year (non-wedding) anniversary, which somehow seems fitting. Nine years ago, it was a rainy night in Brooklyn, and a longtime friendship was transforming into something new. This morning in Oakland, the Blogspot blog I started five and a half years ago to talk about weddings and relationships is transforming as well, into…a website, really. So as we take the leap, it seemed right to take a moment to pay my respects to what the site has been. Here it is, my little Blogspot blog, beloved to me forever, four months after I started it.
Cheers to you little blog. And now, here we are. A brand-new site. And this is just the Beta version. Here we go.
Photo: Allison Andres