Dear Team Practical,
It’s book club time! As a recap, we’ll be reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed (full discussion back here). We’ll be meeting on Sunday November 7th at (suggested) 1pm. Meet-ups will take place all over the country/world, just like last time, and you can sign up for your meetup on Facebook. If you’d like to help organize, please say so, and I’ll pick team leaders next week. I’ll be at the Bay Area meetup again this time (With Lauren! The APW intern!), but I won’t be planning it. I’ve got enough to plan.
Now go read the book (we’ll discuss it online after the in-person meetups), and sign up, and get excited. Wheee! APW DC and APW Boston are already meeting for drinks every month (how cool is that!?)
Happy reading,
Meg (and Lauren, who’s managing the Facebook process)