Lucy here, filling in while Meg and Maddie are away at Alt. Usually I think this is where we say, “the cats are away so the mice will play,” and by that I mean the mice will talk about Doctor Who, or perhaps the newest season of Downton Abbey. But currently, all this mouse wants to do is sneak in another nap! And I may do just that, but not before I hang out with you fine folks this afternoon. After all, it’s your Friday open thread, so hop on it!
Best wishes!
P.S. Happy birthday, husband of mine!
Highlights of APW This Week
Did you miss our Beyonce Brunch Party? Maybe we can circle back around in comments today.
This awesome Denver City Hall wedding has me wanting to rock a fauxhawk this weekend.
DIY wedding invitation design tips, from the pros! I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I loved all the comments about work-life balance from our open thread this week. Considering mine currently involves wrestling giving a dog eye drops every three hours, it’s a process.
“They’re just shoes, right? Well, no, they’re not.”
Ten tips for plus size wedding dress shopping. Now with bonus tip #11 from Meg: have the seamstress build in a bra! You’re welcome.
It’s the chuppah building post you’ve been requesting for years. Use wisely (and appropriately!), young grasshoppers.
Link Roundup
In parenting news, this stay-at-home dad leaves post it notes for his wife, ending the mommy wars, and apparently black dads really shock people.
Friends of APW and local SF jeweler FiatLux are hosting a black diamond engagement ring giveaway (RAD) from now until February 17th. Head over to their blog to enter, or just to ogle (your pick).
Why comedians ARE a bit mad. Not surprising to me, considering at my lowest points people told me I should do stand up. Talk about mixed messages.
A guide to talking to women (and girls) you just met without focusing on complimenting their appearances.
On the heels of the Lena Dunham conversation, we’re really excited this is happening.
An excellent breakdown of thoughts about the Richard Sherman interview.
Beyonce makes sweatshirts now? Beyonce makes sweatshirts now.
Dove’s new ad on selfies is kind of the best. And just in time for February.
Wedding photobombs! Freaking hilarious.
The racially fraught history of the American beard. Super interesting read.
The Critical Flame is dedicating a year to reading only things written by women and people of color. Are you in? While I happened to start this year with an Orson Scott Card book (eeeeek.) I’m totally going to try it!
Someone in the comments of our dress shopping posts ask about masculine-of-center lady fashion, so we felt worth it to include Bindle & Keep in our roundup this week. Enjoy!
Using Pinterest to examine the difficulties of violence against black women and girls.
Woman takes short half-hour break from being feminist to enjoy TV show. Oh Onion.
APW’s 2014 Happy Hour’s are sponsored by Monogamy Wine. Thank you Monogamy for helping make the APW mission possible! if you want to learn more about monogamy (and possibly win birthday treats), head over here and sign up for their newsletter.