We’re running late with Happy Hour today, thanks for being patient with us.
I’m going to tell you a story about burnout. Yesterday, Trisha and I were working from the couch, like we sometimes do. And as we surveyed the house it was clear that we were in dire need of one of those 30-minute power clean/refresh moments for our space. There was recycling that needed to go out, dishes to wash, laundry to fold. But also, we were watching reruns of some show on Netflix and head down in our work. Trisha then said, for the second time in an hour, that after the errand we needed to run, we ‘should really clean up the house.’ Suddenly, I just lost it. Y’all. I actually started tearing up and crying a little bit over the idea of having to clean up our house.
When I pulled myself together, I apologized and shared that I just don’t know what’s going on with me. I didn’t mean to get so emotional. Luckily, she’s a real gem and said “Don’t be hard on yourself, I get it. We’re still in a global pandemic. Life is hard.” So, I signed off work 20 minutes early, took a 15-minute power nap on the couch with a kitten on my lap, and then rallied.
The small win plot twist? I felt 95% better after my power nap and after we cleaned the house. I remembered that having a clean(er) space makes me a better, happier, more whole human. I just couldn’t remember that in my moment of weakness.
What about you APW? Have you hit some new level of burnout? Have you found your way out of a moment of weakness? How are you holding up? This is your Happy Hour. Share your small wins, take a moment to vent, whatever you need.
I hope you have a weekend full of naps, kitten cuddles, and sunshine.