We’re back. As I type this we are winging our way home from our honeymoon, and I can’t wait to see all our dear sweet friends again, and sleep in my own bed. What to say? While I was unwilling to say that the wedding was the happiest day of my life so far (see: lack of naps) I will say that these last two weeks, the wedding and the honeymoon, have been some of the most blissful I’ve ever experienced. A life changing moment, a great party, a grand adventure, and plenty of naps (though we walked for miles everyday too, don’t kid yourself). But here is the best part: we’re married now, so this is only our *first* adventure as a married couple, and I fully expect that this will not end up as the best two weeks of my life, just ONE of the happiest times.
Aside: When the stewardess just came by passing out landing cards, she asked if we were a family, and David said, “Yes.” So how great is that?
So. I want to tell you about the wedding, a little bit at a time. This community made me far braver, calmer, and more honest on my wedding day, and that made all the difference. Because of that, I want to share some of that joy with you. The problem is, like East Side Bride before me, I’m having a hard time writing about our wedding. It’s not so much that I’m afraid of shaking the glitter off, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t come off if I tried and I know that there are parts of the wedding that we’ll keep just for us. The problem, I think, is that the wedding feels so big. People always tell you about their wedding details, or their wedding timeline, and I suppose I could tell you about those things, but they miss the point. They are not the wedding I experienced. This is the wedding I experienced:Which while imperfect, could not have been better for me, or for us.
So, while I’m getting my thoughts together, I’m going to ask you a favor. Leave me a comment (even if you don’t normally comment, I’m specifically inviting you lurkers to come out) and ask me a question. What sorts of stories would you like me to tell about the wedding? I can’t say I’ll answer every question, but it will help me figure out what to share.
On our wedding day, I made a toast to absent friends. So here is to you, Team Practical, physically absent at our wedding, but very much present, in spirit.
Photo: A sneak peak from Heather and Jon of One Love Photo, who are the best photographers on the planet, something I’ll tell you about in more detail later. Also, side note, we won’t get our professional pictures back for another six-ish weeks (which gives us time to cement our memories before we see lots of pictures, which I think is cool) so some stories will probably wait for those pictures.