I almost started this post with a ‘holy heck, 2020’ and ‘oh man, I’m sorry.’ But, are we even here for that anymore? Are we even capable of surprise anymore? This year has been… well, we are living through history. This is a historical moment in our lives and world, these times will be in history books. And if you’re here, I’m going to assume that your wedding plans have been affected by it. *deep breath*
It’s a new month, and I’m here again to hear your venting (everyone needs a complaining break) or help with your planning questions. My 10 years of wedding planning experience and that of our whole team is here for you. Connect with each other, connect with us, ask questions, share your stories. This is your open thread.
Important note: Please stay on topic. There is lifetimes of hurt, pain, work, and healing happening in our country and world, right now. It sometimes feels impossible to untangle all the strings that are making up this time in life. However, let’s keep this thread focused on 2020 wedding planning, please.
I saw this online from @lesliedwight and thought it poignant for folx like you all who may be feeling like the bottom has been ripped out of your basket. It was supposed to be your wedding year, and now everything feels canceled. Find hope.
Let’s go get it!