Downloadable Wedding Banner Printable

Today’s how-to isn’t really a how-to, it’s a more like a free gift (and you don’t even have to buy the twelve ounce perfume set to get it. Win!) You see, after we launched our Lazy Girl DIY series this past spring and A Printable Press approached us to see if we’d be interested in simple (read: pretty, but doesn’t require an advanced degree to complete), modern and free wedding printables made especially for the APW set. Which—heck yes.

So up first is a super simple wedding banner that may actually take less time to put together than a sandwich. Seriously.

If you’ve never used a printable design before, the process is remarkably easy. In fact, since all the design work is done for you, the only skills required to execute this project are basic office skills—printing, cutting, hole punching, etc. So for all of you APWers seeking the sweet satisfaction of making things, without the stress of “omgwtfarepinkingshears?!” then this one is for you.

To start, choose which design you want (Kimi gave us two options for the banner: a heavier, classic font and a more streamlined, modern one) and download the customizable PDF by clicking the “free download” button on the page. When the PDF opens, place your cursor inside the pennant and type in the first letter of your word(s). Then, print that page onto a sheet of cardstock. Repeat the process until all of the letters in your banner are printed. Once you have all your letters, cut each one out on the dotted line, and place a hole punch in the two upper corners. String your letters together (Kimi used 3/8″ satin ribbon for the classic banner and twine for the modern one), and voila! It’s literally that easy.

And of course, you can keep this project as simple as you want (easy minimalist wedding decor? Done!) or go a little crazy and experiment with different kinds of paper, ribbon, etc. Me, I think I’m going to make some motivational banners for my office (something like, “Stop Watching Top Model and Get Back to Work” and string it together with some sequins). And the best part? You don’t even need to look at a glue gun. You. Are. Welcome.

Photos by: Kimi of A Printable Press

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