Thank You.

It’s been a hard day/week, and I came home to this email which cracked me up. Thanks guys, you rule. And other rad blog ladies, you rule too. You rule a lot.

Hello, Meg!
Today I was at a bridal shop picking up a tux for my brother. A woman was buying a dress, and made the mistake of saying that she wasn’t going to wear a veil. The saleslady immediately jumped into, “But you’re not a BRIDE if you don’t wear a VEIL.” She went on to mention that you get to wear formal dresses plenty of times, but you only get to wear a veil once (as if a hairpiece is such a big deal), they look so great in pictures (because that is the only thing to get out of the day, some great pictures), and repeated the, “not a BRIIIIIIIIIIDE without a VEEEEEEEEIL several more times (because the big white dress doesn’t differentiate you from everyone else, and maybe the fact that you are getting married doesn’t make you a bride?)

I was a little irritated. Does your opinion matter at all, random saleslady? Not really. It is not your place to influence what I will wear. I guess my point is, at that moment I was very grateful for you and the other rad practical blogladies, for showing me that I can politely tell my future random saleslady that she can take her apparently mandatory veil and…well, you know.


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